At the 10th anniversary of the websit, BBC apperead with its new look on the home page, on a beta format.
According to, The redesign marks the first stage of the rollout of new features aimed at what the BBC said was its plan to deliver a "reinvented" providing a "world-class on-demand user experience"
You can customise the range and detail of content, and get yourself new widgets. The surprise ist hat each widget is also customisable, and not only for your entertainment. Users will also be able to listen to BBC Radio live directly from the homepage and browse BBC TV schedules.
The home page also presents a "BBC1 analogue clock" in the top right-hand corner, seen as an "homage to the 'golden days' of analogue programming" and "bizarrely reassuring.
You can customise the range and detail of content, and get yourself new widgets. The surprise ist hat each widget is also customisable, and not only for your entertainment. Users will also be able to listen to BBC Radio live directly from the homepage and browse BBC TV schedules.
The home page also presents a "BBC1 analogue clock" in the top right-hand corner, seen as an "homage to the 'golden days' of analogue programming" and "bizarrely reassuring.